
Kanchan Aneja
1 min readJun 10, 2020
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

When friendships fracture.
Bonds of Love are torn
Hearts break in agony
Souls drift apart irrevocably

Sorrow swamps us in Misery.
What then can resurrect
Relationships rent asunder…
Only –

Honesty of intent…Forgiveness…Tenderness.
From the heart Can reach all hearts.
Words too are wonder weapons
Given to us all-

To nourish…cherish …and solace
Hearts deeply hurting
And heal all angst
When spoken with sincere loving.


Kanchan Aneja



Kanchan Aneja

The mind and heart know no boundaries. It is this infinity of ideas and feelings that thrills and beckons me to delve deep within my self and write my poetry.